ERASERHEAD(director/writer/editor: David Lynch; cinematographers: Frederick Elmes/Herbert Cardwell; cast: Jack Nance (Henry Spencer), Charlotte Stewart (Mary X), Allen Joseph (Mr. X), Judith Anna Roberts (Beautiful Girl Across the Hall), Jeanne Bates…

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EXODUS (director: Otto Preminger; screenwriters: Dalton Trumbo/from the novel by Leon Uris; cinematographer: Sam Leavitt; editor: Louis Loeffler; music: Ernest Gold; cast: Paul Newman (Ari Ben Canaan), Eva Marie Saint…

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FAHRENHEIT 9/11 (director/writer/producer: Michael Moore; cinematographer: Michael Desjarlais; editors: Kurt Engfehr/Christopher Seward/T. Woody Richman; music: Jeff Gibbs; Runtime: 116; MPAA Rating: R; producers: Jim Czarnecki/Kathleen Glynn; Lions Gate Films; 2004)…

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FESTIVAL (director: Murray Lerner; screenwriter: conceived by Murray Lerner; cinematographer: Francis Grumman, Murray Lerner, Stanley Meredith, George Pickow; editor: Howard Alk; Runtime: 87; MPAA Rating: NR; producer: Murray Lerner; Janus:…

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THE FITS (director/writer: Anna Rose Holmer; screenwriter: story by Saela Davis, Lisa Kjerulff & Anna Rose Holmer/; cinematographer: Paul Yee; editor: Saela Davis; music: Danny Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans; cast: Royalty…

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FOUL PLAY(director/writer: Colin Higgins; cinematographer: David M. Walsh; editor: Pembroke J. Herring; music: Charles Fox; cast: Goldie Hawn (Gloria Mundy), Chevy Chase (Tony Carlson), Burgess Meredith (Hennessey, Landlord), Rachel Roberts…

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GADJO DILO(THE CRAZY STRANGER) (director/writer: Tony Gatlif; cinematographer: Eric Guichard; editor: Monique Dartonne; cast: Romain Duris (Stephane), Rona Hartner (Sabina), Isidor Serban (Izidor), Ovidiu Balan (Sami), Dan Astileanu (Dumitru), Florin…

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