KING'S MAN, THE (director/writer: Matthew Vaughn; screenwriters: Karl Gajdusek/based on the comic book "The Secret Service" by Mark Millar & Dave Gibbons; cinematographer: Ben Davis; editors: Rob Hall/ Jason Ballantine;…
KING'S MAN, THE (director/writer: Matthew Vaughn; screenwriters: Karl Gajdusek/based on the comic book "The Secret Service" by Mark Millar & Dave Gibbons; cinematographer: Ben Davis; editors: Rob Hall/ Jason Ballantine;…
KING RICHARD (director: Reinaldo Marcus Green; screenwriter: Zach Baylin; cinematographer: Robert Elswit; editor: Pamela Martin; music: Kris Bowers; cast: Will Smith (Richard Williams), Aunjanue Ellis (Oracene 'Brandi' Williams), Jon Bernthal (Rick…
BEING THE RICARDOS (director/writer: Aaron Sorkin; cinematographer: Jeff Cronenweth; editor: Alan Baumgarten; music: Daniel Pemberton; cast: Nicole Kidman (Lucille Ball), Javier Bardem (Desi Arnaz), Tony Hale (Jess Oppenheimer), J.K. Simmons (William…
SAINT-NARCISSE (director/writer: Bruce La Bruce; screenwriter: Martin Girard; cinematographer: Michel LaVeaux; editor: Hubert Hayaud; music:Christophe Lamarche-Ledoux; cast: Felix-Antoine Duval (Dominic / Daniel), Tania Kontoyanni (Beatrice (The Mother)), Alexandra Petrachuk (Irene /…
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME (director: Jon Watts; screenwriters: Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, based on the Marvel comic book by Stan Lee; cinematographer: Maurio Fiore; editor: Jeffrey Ford/ Leigh Folsom Boyd;…
NOVICE, THE (director/writer: Lauren Hadaway; cinematographer: Todd Martin; editors: Nathan Nugent/Lauren Hadaway; music: Alex Weston; cast: Isabelle Fuhrman (Alex Dall), Amy Forsyth (Jamie Brill), Dilone (Dani), Al Bernstein (Dean), Jonathan…
BELOW THE FOLD (director/writer: Clayton Scott; cinematographer: Iain Trimble; editor: Edward Schroer; music: Ho Ling Tang; cast: David DeRock(David Fremont), Sarah McGuire (Lisa Johnson), Jamie Addison (Maggie Monroe), Daniel Campo…
FROZEN DEAD, THE (director/writer: Herbert J. Leder; screenwriter: story by Leder; cinematographer: Davis Boulton; editor: Tom Simpson; music: Don Banks; cast: Dana Andrews (Dr. Norberg), Anna Palk (Jean Norberg), Karel…
SILENT NIGHT (director/writer: Camille Griffin; cinematographer: Sam Renton; editor: Pia Di Ciaula/Martin Walsh; music: Lorne Balfe; cast: Keira Knightley (Nell), Matthew Goode (Simon), Roman Griffin Davis (Art), Hardy Griffin Davis…
TWO (DOS) (director: Mar Targarona; screenwriters: Cuca Canals, Christian Molina, Mike Hostench; cinematographer: Rafa Lluch; editor: José Luis Romeu; music: Diego Navarro; cast: Pablo Derqiui (David), Marina Gatell (Sara), Kandido…