WHEN THE DALTONS RODE (director: George Marshall; screenwriters: from the book "When the Daltons Rode" by Emmett Dalton & Jack Jungmeyer/Harold Shumate; cinematographer: Hal Mohr; editor: Ed Curtiss; music: Frank…
WHEN THE DALTONS RODE (director: George Marshall; screenwriters: from the book "When the Daltons Rode" by Emmett Dalton & Jack Jungmeyer/Harold Shumate; cinematographer: Hal Mohr; editor: Ed Curtiss; music: Frank…
WHERE IS THE FRIEND'S HOUSE? (Khane-ye Doust Kodjast?) (director/writer: Abbas Kiarostami; cinematographer: Farhad Saba; editor: Naamet Allah Alizadah; cast: Babak Ahmedpour (Ahmed), Ahmed Ahmedpour (Mohamed Reda Nematzadeh), Kheda Barech (Teacher),…
WHIRLPOOL (director: Otto Preminger; screenwriters: Ben Hecht/Andrew Solt/based on the Guy Endore novel "Methinks the Lady"; cinematographer: Arthur Miller; editor: Louis Loeffler; music: David Raksin; cast: Gene Tierney (Ann Sutton),…
WHITE BANNERS (director: Edmund Goulding; screenwriters: from the Cosmopolitan magazine article White Banners by Lloyd C. Douglas/ Lenore J. Coffee/Abem Finkel/Cameron Rogers; cinematographer: Charles Rosher; editor: Tom Richards; music: Max…
WHITE SANDS (director: Roger Donaldson; screenwriter: Daniel Pyne; cinematographer: Peter Menzies; editor: Nicholas Beauman; music: Patrick O'Hearn; cast: Willem Dafoe (Sheriff Ray Dolezal), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio(Lane Bodine), Mickey Rourke (Gorman…
WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR? (director/writer: Chris Paine; cinematographer: Thaddeus Wadleigh; editors: Michael Kovalenko/Chris A. Peterson; music: Michael Brook; cast: Martin Sheen (Narrator); Runtime: 92; MPAA Rating: PG; producer: Jessie…
WHY HIM? (director/writer: John Hamburg; screenwriter: Ian Helfer/story by Jonah Hill, Helfer and Hamburg; cinematographer: Kris Kachikis; editor: William Kerr; music: Theodore Shapiro; cast: Bryan Cranston (Ned Fleming), James Franco…
WIFE WANTED (SHADOW OF BLACKMAIL) (director: Phil Karlson; screenwriters: Caryl Coleman/Sid Sutherland/from the novel Wife Wanted by Robert Callahan; cinematographer: Harry Neumann ; editors: Ace Herman/Richard Currie; music: Edward J.…
WILD RIVER (director: Elia Kazan; screenwriters: Paul Osborn/based on the novel "Mud on the Stars" by William Bradford Huie and the novel "Dunbar's Cove" by Borden Deal; cinematographer: Ellsworth Fredricks;…
WINCHESTER (directors/writers: Michael & Peter Spierig; screenwriter: Tom Vaughan; cinematographer: Ben Nott; editor: Matt Villa; music: Peter Spierig; cast: Helen Mirren (Sarah Winchester), Sarah Snook(Marion Marriott), Jason Clarke (Dr. Eric…