PANIC ROOM (director: David Fincher; screenwriter: David Koepp; cinematographers: Conrad W. Hall and Darius Khondji; editors: James Haygood and Angus Wall; music: Howard Shore; cast: Jodie Foster (Meg Altman), Forest…
PANIC ROOM (director: David Fincher; screenwriter: David Koepp; cinematographers: Conrad W. Hall and Darius Khondji; editors: James Haygood and Angus Wall; music: Howard Shore; cast: Jodie Foster (Meg Altman), Forest…
BE HERE TO LOVE ME: A FILM ABOUT TOWNES VAN ZANDT (director: Margaret Brown; cinematographer: Lee Daniel; editors: Karen Skloss/Don Howard/Michael Taylor; music: Townes van Zandt; Runtime: 99; MPAA Rating:…
PARANOIA (director: Robert Luketic; screenwriters: novel by Joseph Finder/Jason Hall/Barry Levy; cinematographer: David Tattersall; editor: Tracy Adams/Dany Cooper; music: Junkie XL; cast: Liam Hemsworth (Adam Cassidy), Amber Heard (Emma Jennings),…
BELLA (director/writer: Alejandro Gomez Monteverde; screenwriter: Patrick Million/Leo Severino; cinematographer: Andrew Cadelago; editors: Fernando Villena/Joseph Gutowski; music: Stephan Altman; cast: Eduardo Verástegui (José), Tammy Blanchard (Nina), Manny Perez (Restaurant…
PAROLE, INC. (director: Alfred Zeisler; screenwriter: from the story by Royal K. Cole/Sherman L. Lowe; cinematographer: Gilbert Warrenton; editor: John D. Faure; music: Alexander Laszlo; cast: Michael O'Shea (Richard Hendricks),…
BELOW THE DEADLINE (director: Charles W. Lamont; screenwriter: Ewart Adamson/story by Ewart Adamson; cinematographer: M.A. Anderson; editor: Roland D. Reed; Russell Hopton (Terry Mulvaney), Cecilia Parker (Molly Fitzgerald), Theodor Von…
PASSIONATE FRIENDS, THE (aka: ONE WOMAN'S STORY) (director/writer: David Lean; screenwriters: Eric Ambler/Stanley Haynes/from the H. G. Wells novel "The Passionate Friends"; cinematographer: Guy Green; editor: Geoffrey Foot; music: Richard…
BERLIN EXPRESS (director: Jacques Tourneur; screenwriters: from the story by Curt Siodmak/Harold Medford; cinematographer: Lucien Ballard; editor: Sherman Todd; music: Frederick Hollander; cast: Merle Oberon (Lucienne), Robert Ryan (Robert Lindley),…
PATH TO WAR (TV MOVIE) (director: John Frankenheimer; screenwriters: Daniel Giat/LBJ biography by Robert Caro; cinematographer: Stephen Goldblatt; editor: Richard-Francis Bruce; music: Gary Chang; cast: Michael Gambon (President Lyndon Baines…
BETTER LUCK FOR TOMORROW (director/writer/editor: Justin Lin; screenwriters: Ernesto Foronda/Fabian Marquez; cinematographer: Patrice Lucien Cochet; music: Semiautomatic, Michael J. Gonzales; cast: Parry Shen (Ben), Jason Tobin (Virgil), Sung Kang (Han),…