SOUFRA (director/writer: Thomas A. Morgan; screenwriter: Mohammed el Manasterly; cinematographer: Johny Karam; editor: Mohammed el Manasterly; music: Alex Seaver, Ken Joseph; cast: Mariam AlShaar; Runtime: 73; MPAA Rating: NR; producers:…

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SPEED (1936)

SPEED (director: Edward L. Marin; screenwriters: Michael Fessler/story by Milton Krims & Larry Bachman; cinematographer: Lester White; editor: Ben Lewis; music: Edward Ward; cast: James Stewart (Terry Martin), Wendy Barrie…

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SULLY (director: Clint Eastwood; screenwriters: Todd Komarnicki/based on the book “Highest Duty” by Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, Jeffrey Zaslow; cinematographer: Tom Stern; editor: Blu Murray.; music: Christian Jacob /Tierney Sutton Band;…

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SUSANA (aka: THE DEVIL AND THE FLESH) (director/writer: Luis Buñuel; screenwriters: from the novel by Manuel Reachi/Jaime Salvador; cinematographer: Jose Ortiz Ramos; editor: Jorge Bustos; music: Raul Lavista; cast: Fernando…

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THE SWINGER (director: George Sidney; screenwriter: Lawrence Roman; cinematographer: Joseph Biroc; editor: Frank Santillo; music: Marty Paich; cast: Ann-Magaret (Kelly Olsson), Barbara Nichols (Blossom LaTour), Bert Freed (Police Captain), Horace…

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