SHALAKO (director: Edward Dmytryk; screenwriter: from the novel by Louis L'Amour/Clarke Reynolds/J.J. Griffith/Hal Hopper/Scot Finch; cinematographer: Ted Moore; editor: Bill Blunden; music: Robert Farnon; cast: Sean Connery (Shalako), Brigitte Bardot…

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SHIRKERS (director/writer: Sandi Tan; cinematographer: Iris Ng; editors: Lucas Celler, Sandi Tan, Kimberley Hassett; music: Ishai Adar; cast: Sandi Tan, Jasmine Ng, Sophia Siddique Harvey, Georges Cardona; Runtime: 96; MPAA…

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SICARIO (director: Denis Villeneuve; screenwriter: Taylor Sheridan; cinematographer: Roger Deakins; editor: Joe Walker; music: Johann Johannsson; cast: Emily Blunt (Kate Macer), Benicio Del Toro ( Alejandro), Josh Brolin (Matt Graver),…

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SLEEPER (director/writer: Woody Allen; screenwriter: Marshall Brickman; cinematographer: David M. Walsh; editors: Ron Kalish/Ralph Rosenblum; music: Woody Allen; cast: Woody Allen (Miles Monroe), Diane Keaton (Luna Schlosser), John Beck (Erno…

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SONG OF INDIA (director: Albert S. Rogell; screenwriters: Art Arthur/Kenneth Perkins/based on a story by Jerome Odlum; cinematographer: Henry Freulich; editor: Charles Nelson; music: Alexander Laszlo; cast: Sabu (Ramdar), Gail…

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