DESIRE (THE PEARL NECKLACE) (director: Frank Borzage; screenwriters: Samuel Hoffenstein, Edwin Justus Mayer, Waldemar Young/from the play by Hans Szekely & R.A. Stemmle; cinematographer: Charles Lang; editor: William Shea; music:…

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THE REWRITE (director/writer: Marc Lawrence; cinematographer: Jonathan Brown; editor: Ken Eluto; music: Clyde Lawrence; cast: Hugh Grant (Keith Michaels), Marisa Tomei (Holly Carpenter), Bella Heathcote (Karen Gabney), J.K. Simmons (Dr.…

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RIFIFI(DU RIFIFI CHEZ LES HOMMES) (director/writer: Jules Dassin; screenwriters: based on the novel by Auguste Le Breton/Renee Wheeler; cinematographer: Philippe Agostini; editor: Roger Dwyre; music: Georges Auric; cast: Jean Servais…

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DISHONORED (director/writer: Josef von Sternberg; screenwriter: Daniel Nathan Rubin; cinematographer: Lee Garmes; editor: Josef von Sternberg; music: Karl Hajos/Herman Hand; cast: Marlene Dietrich (Marie Kolverer/X-27), Victor McLaglen (Colonel Kranau), Gustav…

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RIO RITA (director/writer: Luther Reed; screenwriters: from the play by Guy Bolton and Fred Thompson; cinematographer: Robert Kurrle; editor: William Hamilton; music: Max Steiner; cast: Bebe Daniels (Rita Ferguson), John…

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