TROG (director: Freddie Francis; screenwriters: Abel Kandel/from the story by Peter Bryan& John Gilling; cinematographer: Desmond Dickinson; editor: ; music: John Scott; cast: Joan Crawford (Dr Brockton), Joe Cornelius (Trog),…

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TULSA (director: Stuart Heisler; screenwriters: Curtis Kenyon/Frank Nugent/story by Richard Wormser; cinematographer: Winton Hoch; editor: Terrell Morse; music: Frank Skinner; cast: Susan Hayward (Cherokee Lansing), Robert Preston (Brad Brady), Pedro…

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TWO DEATHS (director: Nicolas Roeg; screenwriter: Allan Scott/from the novel The Two Deaths of SeƱora Pucciniby Stephen Dobyns; cinematographer: Witold Stok; editor: Tony Lawson; music: Hans Zimmer; cast: Michael Gambon…

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UNBREAKABLE (director/writer: M. Night Shyamalan; cinematographer: Eduardo Serra; editor: Dylan Tichenor; cast: Bruce Willis (David Dunn), Samuel L. Jackson (Elijah Price), Robin Wright Penn (Audrey Dunn), Spencer Treat Clark (Jeremy…

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