WAY, THE (director/writer: Emilio Estevez; screenwriter: based on the book "Off the Road: A Modern-Day Walk Down the Pilgrim's Route"by Jack Hitt; cinematographer: Juanmi Azpiroz; editor: Raúl Dávalos; music: Tyler…
WAY, THE (director/writer: Emilio Estevez; screenwriter: based on the book "Off the Road: A Modern-Day Walk Down the Pilgrim's Route"by Jack Hitt; cinematographer: Juanmi Azpiroz; editor: Raúl Dávalos; music: Tyler…
WEB, THE (aka: BLACK VELVET) (director: Michael Gordon; screenwriters: from a story by Harry Kurnitz/Bertram Millhauser/William Bowers; cinematographer: Irving Glassberg; editor: Russell Schoengarth; music: Hans Salter; cast: William Bendix (Lt.…
WEIGHT OF WATER, THE (director: Kathryn Bigelow; screenwriters: from the novel by Anita Shreve/Alice Arlen/Christopher Kyle; cinematographer: Adrian Biddle; editor: Howard E. Smith; music: David Hirschfelder; cast: Catherine McCormack (Jean…
WE'RE NOT DRESSING (director: Norman Taurog; screenwriters: from a play The Admirable Chrichton by J.M. Barrie/based on a story by Benjamin Glazer/Horace Jackson/George Marion Jr./Francis Martin; cinematographer: Charles Lang; editor:…
WE WERE HERE (directors: David Weissman/Bill Weber; cinematographer: Marsha Kahm; editor: Bill Weber; music: Holcombe Waller; Runtime: 90; MPAA Rating: NR; producer: David Weissman; Red Flag; 2011) "A very moving…
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO SOLANGE? (COSA AVETE FATTO S SOLANGE?) (director/writer: Massimo Dallamano; screenwriters: story by Massimo Dallamano/Bruno Di Geronimo/Peter M. Thouet; cinematographer: Aristide Massaccesi; editor: Antonio Siciliano; music:…
WHEEL OF FORTUNE (A MAN BETRAYED)(CITADEL OF CRIME) (director: John H. Auer; screenwriters: from the story by Jack Moffitt/Tom Kilpatrick; cinematographer: Jack A. Marta; editor: Charles Craft; music: Cy Feuer;…
WHEN TRUMPETS FADE (TV) (director: John Irving; screenwriter: W.W. Vought; cinematographer: Thomas Burstyn; editor: Ian Crafford; cast: Ron Eldard (Manning), Zak Orth (Sanderson), Martin Donovan (Capt. Roy Pritchett), Dylan Bruno…
WHERE THE DAY TAKES YOU (director/writer: Marc Rocco; screenwriters: Michael Hitchcock/Kurt Voss; cinematographer: King Baggot; editor: Russell Livingstone; music: Mark Morgan; cast: Laura San Giacomo (The Interviewer), Dermot Mulroney (King),…
WHISPERERS, THE (director/writer: Bryan Forbes; screenwriter: from a novel by Robert Nicolson; cinematographer: Gerry Turpin; editor: Anthony Harvey; music: John Barry; cast: Dame Edith Evans (Mrs. Maggie Ross), Eric Portman…