DESIREE (director: Henry Koster; screenwriters: Daniel Taradash/from the novel by Annemarie Selinko; cinematographer: Milton Krasner; editor: William Reynolds; music: Alex North; cast: Marlon Brando (Napoleon Bonaparte), Jean Simmons (Désirée Clary…

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RHAPSODY (director: Charles Vidor; screenwriters: Augustus and Ruth Goetz/Fay Kanin/from the book "Maurice Guest" by Henry Handel Richardson; cinematographer: Robert Planck; editor: John D. Dunning; music: Johnny Green; cast: Elizabeth…

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RIDE LONESOME (director: Budd Boetticher; screenwriter: Burt Kennedy; cinematographer: Charles Lawton Jr.; editor: Jerome Thoms; music: Heinz Roemheld; cast: Randolph Scott (Ben Brigade), Karen Steele (Mrs. Carrie Lane), Pernell Roberts…

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DIANE (director/writer: Kent Jones; cinematographer: Wyatt Garfield; editor: Mike Selemon; music: Jeremiah Bornfield; cast: Mary Kay Place (Diane), Jake Lacy (Brian), Estelle Parsons (Mary), Andrea Martin (Bobbie), Barbara Andres (Dallas),…

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DISOBEDIENCE (director/writer: Sebastian Lelio; screenwriters: Rebecca Lenkiewicz/based on the book by Naomi Alderman; cinematographer: Danny Cohen; editor: Nathan Nugent; music: Matthew Herbert; cast: Rachel Weisz (Ronit Krushka), Rachel McAdams (Esti…

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RIOT (director: Buzz Kulik; screenwriter: James Poe/novel "The Riot" by Frank Elli; cinematographer: Robert B. Hauser; editor: Edwin H. Bryant ; music: Krzysztof Komeda; cast: Jim Brown (Cully Briston), Gene…

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DOGMAN (director: Matteo Garrone; screenwriters: story by Garrone & Ugo Chiti/Maurizio Raucci/Massimo Gaudioso; cinematographer: Nicolaj Bruel; editor: Marco Spoletini; music: Michele Braga; cast: Marcello Fonte (Marcello), Edoardo Pesce (Simoncino), Nunzia…

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