(director: Lana Wilson; cinematographer: Stephen Maing; editor: Hannah Buck; cast: Per Erik Borja, Eugene Grygo, Nikenya Hall, Phoebe Hoffman, Michael Kim, Sherrie Lynne, Ilka Pinheiro; Runtime: 108; MPAA Rating: NR; producer: Kyle Martin; A24; 2024)

“Found the film entertaining.”

Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz

Lana Wilson (“Taylor Swift: Miss Americana”/”After Tiller”) directs a probing documentary that follows seven diverse NYC psychics (4 women and 3 men, after whittling then down from a field of 150), some who identify themselves as either show business people, artists or writers. In their sessions with paying clients, they have many stories to tell that are out of this world. The psychics are there to provide their needy clients the means to contact the other side to be with their dead loved ones so they can find out if they’re at peace.

The psychics provide a service that neither religion, medicine or healers can. But there’s a cautionary warning that the psychics do not use scientific means, and their results are highly questionable.

The reporting here is of the tabloid kind.

In one story an ER nurse wants to know if a child who died under her watch is doing OK in the after-life. Another story tells about the suicide of an actress’s friend.

I do not believe in psychics. But despite my misgivings
, I still found the film entertaining and its cautionary words of advice that you should try to see for yourself what others say they can see to be good advice.

It played at the Sundance Film Festival.


A still from Look Into My Eyes by Lana Wilson an official
      selection of the Premieres Program at the 2024 Sundance Film

REVIEWED ON 2/15/2024  GRADE: B-