(director: Julian Farino; screenwriter: Paul Tucker/from the play by Paul Tucker; cinematographer: David Odd; editor: Pia Di Ciaula; music: Adrian Johnston; cast: Mark Addy (Frank), Alan Atherall (Donut), Charlie Creed Miles (Kenny), Samantha Morton (Jackie), Kenneth Cranham (Len), Glen Cunningham (Militaria Shop Owner), Nicola Stephenson (Karen), James Hooton (Keith), Steve Sweeney (Graham), June Watson (Frank’s Mom), Emil Marwa (Moose); Runtime: 89; MPAA Rating: PG; producer: Jolyon Symonds; Capitol Films; 1999-UK/Ger.)

“Mildly entertaining dark comedy.”

Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz

Brit TV drama director Julian Farino(“Our Mutual Friend”/”Byron”/”Oranges”), in his film debut, directs this mildly entertaining dark comedy to be more as a TV episode than a feature movie. Paul Tucker writes the script based on his play.

Leicester dwelling, unemployed, mullet-wearing, obese, loser Frank (Mark Addy) is given the boot by his mom (June Watson) and thereby boards in a cheap B&B with the nerd Kenny (Charlie Creed-Miles), his wheelchair-bound vegetable brother Keith (James Hooton) and their drunk father Len (Kenneth Cranham). After Frank falsely boasts about his service as a former Special Air Services soldier, Kenny hires him to kill the Cockney thug Donut (Alan Atherall), who disabled, in a street fight, his brother. This requires Frank to steal a gun and go with Kenny to South London, where they take Donut’s manipulative girlfriend Jackie (Samantha Morton) hostage in the hi-rise apartment she shares with Donut. The film offers no character or narrative depth, as it only asks how it will end for Donut. But I still enjoyed it, as I got a few laughs out of it.