(director: Robert Schwartzman; screenwriter: Brett Ryland; cinematographer: Michael Rizzi; editor: Cnristofer Donlon; music: Tyler Blake, Ben Messelbeck; cast: Brittany Snow (Leigh Wheeland), Alexander Shipp (Zoey Abbott), Mason Cufari (Young Renn), David Arquette (Rick Barona), Nick Jonas (Renn Wheeland), Jim C. Ferris (Funeral Guy Bill), Steve Park (Father Dan), Matt Walsh (Darren Wheeland), Ryan Begara (Andy), Elisabeth Shue (Lily Wheeland); Runtime: 96; MPAA Rating: NR; producers: Russell Wayne Groves, Brett Ryland, Robert Schwartzman; The Ranch Productions/Fathom Events/Utopia; 2023)
“Never moved me.”
Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz
A perceptive but cliched indie drama on grieving directed by Robert Schwartzman (“Dreamland”/”The Unicorn”) and written by Brett Ryland.
The Los Angeles-based writer and bill collector, a young man with social issues, Renn Wheeland (Nick Jonas, part of the Jonas brothers singing duo), returns by plane with his witty therapist divorcee girlfriend Zoey (Alexander Shipp), to his hometown of Cleveland for the unexpected funeral of his free-spirited mother Lily (Elisabeth Shue), after his older sister Leigh (Brittany Snow) calls.
Renn recalls as a child (played by Mason Cufari) mom forgetting about him in a shopping center and leaving him behind, an incident that deeply affected him all his life with a sense of dread at being abandoned.
At their home, the siblings show a dislike for Lily’s husband Rick Barona (David Arquette). Leigh blames him for not helping out when mom was ill. A conflict looms between Rick and the children, who don’t respect him as mom’s next of kin.
Darren Wheeland (Matt Walsh), the gentle father of the siblings, greatly loved Lily. He lives alone, and tries to keep the peace between Rick and the siblings.
The story’s theme is that losing a loved one can drastically change how one views the world.
Without much depth and too many cliches, the film never moved me.
It played at the Tribeca Film Festival.