(director/writer: Phil Blattenberger; cinematographer: Daniel Troyer; editor: Nico Alba; music: Christof Unterberger; cast: Michael Ironside (Yuri Astakhov), Arnold Vosloo (Colonel Martin Bach), Jackson Rathbone (Fritz Ziegler), James Urbaniak (Heinrich Himmler), Jorge Garcia (Tavern Owner, Hipolito), Jacob Keohane (Will Spalding), Al Pagano (Albert Vogel), Corinn Britti (Leyna Rahn), Bruce Davison (Gerhardt Schrude); Runtime: 102; MPAA Rating: R; producers: Dan Black/Jacob Keohane/Phil Blattenberger; Saban Films; 2023)
“A war vengeance B-film, whose only salvation is its funky dialogue.”
Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz
It’s a war vengeance B-film, whose only salvation is its funky dialogue, as written and directed by Phil Blattenberger (“Point Man”).
Will Spalding (Jacob Keohane) is an American pilot, a World War II vet, who has spent the decade after the war tracking the vicious Nazi officer (Arnold Vosloo) who exterminated Spalding’s bomber crew when they tried to surrender after shot down. By striking deals with some shady parties he finds a secret Nazi enclave in Bolivia, which he tries to reach with the help of a Mossad agent (Corinne Britti) and a fugitive German scientist (Al Pagano). There he not only finds what he’s looking for but more than what he expected.
The character actors Michael Ironside, James Urbaniak, Jorge Garcia and Bruce Davison, each in a scene or two, help keep the film humming along in its wacky way.
The muddled war film doesn’t deliver the explosive action scenes an action war film should.