LIVING IN A BIG WAY (director/writer: Gregory La Cava; screenwriters: Irving Ravetch/based on a story by La Cava; cinematographer: Harold Rosson; editor: ; music: Lennie Hayton; cast: Gene Kelly (Leo…
LIVING IN A BIG WAY (director/writer: Gregory La Cava; screenwriters: Irving Ravetch/based on a story by La Cava; cinematographer: Harold Rosson; editor: ; music: Lennie Hayton; cast: Gene Kelly (Leo…
LOGAN'S RUN (director: Michael Anderson; screenwriters: David Zelag Goodman/based on the novel by George Clayton Johnson and William F. Nolan; cinematographer: Ernest Laszlo; editor: Bob Wyman; music: Jerry Goldsmith; cast:…
THE LONELY LADY (director: Peter Sasdy; screenwriters: Shawn Randall/John Kershaw/novel by Harold Robbins/Ellen Shepard; cinematographer: Brian West; editor: Keith Palmer; music: Charles Calello; cast: Pia Zadora (Jerilee Randall), Lloyd Bochner…
THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY (director: John Mackenzie; screenwriter: Barrie Keefe; cinematographer: Phil Meheux; editor: Mike Taylor; music: Francis Monkman; cast: Bob Hoskins (Harold Shand), Helen Mirren (Victoria), Dave King (Parky),…
LOOK BOTH WAYS (director/writer: Sarah Watt; cinematographer: Ray Argall; editor: Denise Haratzis; music: Amanda Brown; cast: Justine Clarke (Meryl), William McInnes (Nick), Anthony Hayes (Andy Walker), Lisa Flanagan (Anna), Andrew…
LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING, THE (director/writer: Peter Jackson; screenwriters: Philippa Boyens/Fran Walsh/book by J.R.R. Tolkien; cinematographer: Andrew Lesnie; editors: Annie Collins/Jamie Selkirk; music: Howard Shore;…
LOST HIGHWAY( director/writer: David Lynch; screenwriter: Barry Gifford; cinematographer: Peter Deming; editor: Mary Sweeney; cast: Bill Pullman (Fred Madison), Patricia Arquette (Renee Madison/Alice Wakefield), Robert Blake (Mystery Man), Balthazar Getty…
LOST SONGS: THE BASEMENT TAPES CONTINUED (director: Sam Jones; cinematographers: Shana Hagen/Sam Jones/Tyler Rumph/Arlene Nelson/Graham Willoughby; editors: Joshua Altman/Brian Freundlich; cast: T Bone Burnett, Elvis Costello, Rhiannon Giddens, Taylor Goldsmith,…
LOVE AND DEATH (director/writer: Woody Allen; cinematographer: Ghislain Cloquet; editors: Ron Kalish/Ralph Rosenblum; music: Sergei Prokofiev; cast: Woody Allen (Boris Grushenko), Diane Keaton (Sonja), Harold Gould (Anton Ivanovitch), Sol Frieder…
LOVE IS COLDER THAN DEATH (Liebe ist kälter als der Tod) (director/writer: Rainer Werner Fassbinder; cinematographer: Dietrich Lohmann; editor: Rainer Werner Fassbinder; music: Holger Münzer/Peer Raben; cast: Ulli Lommel (Bruno),…