WALKABOUT (director: Nicolas Roeg; screenwriters: Edward Bond/based on the novel by James Vance Marshall; cinematographer: Nicolas Roeg; editors: Antony Gibbs/Alan Pattillo; music: John Barry; cast: Jenny Agutter (Girl), Lucien John…

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WARRIOR (director/writer: Gavin O'Connor; screenwriters: Anthony Tambakis/Cliff Dorfman; cinematographer: Masanobu Takayanagi; editor: John Gilroy; music: Mark Isham; cast: Joel Edgerton (Brendan Conlon), Tom Hardy (Tommy Conlon), Jennifer Morrison (Tess Conlon),…

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WATERLIFE (director: Kevin McMahon; cinematographer: John M. Tran; editor: Christopher Donaldson; cast: Gord Downie (Narrator); Runtime: 109; MPAA Rating: NR; producers: Gerry Flahive/McMahon/McMahon; National Film Board of Canada; 2009-Canada) "An…

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