ROAD TO NOWHERE (director: Monte Hellman; screenwriter: Steven Gaydos; cinematographer: Josep M. Civit; editor: Celine Ameslon; music: Tom Russell; cast: Cliff De Young (Cary Stewart/Rafe Tachen), Waylon Payne (Bruno Brotherton),…
ROAD TO NOWHERE (director: Monte Hellman; screenwriter: Steven Gaydos; cinematographer: Josep M. Civit; editor: Celine Ameslon; music: Tom Russell; cast: Cliff De Young (Cary Stewart/Rafe Tachen), Waylon Payne (Bruno Brotherton),…
ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS (director: Byron Haskin; screenwriters: Ib Melchior/John C. Higgins/from the book by Daniel DeFoe "Robinson Crusoe"; cinematographer: Winton Hoch; editor: Terry Morse; music: Van Cleave; cast: Paul…
ROCKY ROAD TO DUBLIN (director/writer: Peter Lennon; cinematographer: Raoul Coutard; editors: Lila Biro/Philippe Delesalle/Guy Delooz; music: the Dubliners with Luke Kelly; cast: Sean O'Faolain, Conor Cruise O'Brien, Father Michael Cleary,…
ROMANCE ON THE HIGH SEAS (director: Michael Curtiz; screenwriters: story by Carlos Olivari & Sixto Pondal Rios/I.A.L. Diamond/ Julius J. Epstein/Philip G. Epstein; cinematographer: Elwood Bredell; editor: Rudi Fehr; music:…
ROOM FOR ONE MORE (director: Norman Taurog; screenwriters: novel by Anna Perrott Rose/ Jack Rose/Melville Shavelson; cinematographer: Robert Burks; editor: Alan Crosland; music: Max Steiner; cast: Cary Grant (George "Poppy"…
ROUNDERS (director: John Dahl; screenwriters: David Levien/Brian Koppelman; cinematographer: Jean-Yves Escoffier; editor: Scott Chestnut; cast: Matt Damon (Mike McDermott), Ed Norton (Worm), John Malkovich (Teddy KGB), Martin Landau (Abe Petrovsky),…
RUINS, THE (director: Carter Smith; screenwriter: from the novel The Ruins by Scott B. Smith/Scott B. Smith; cinematographer: Darius Khondji; editor: Jeff Betancourt; music: Graeme Revell; cast: Jonathan Tucker (Jeff),…
RUNNER RUNNER (director: Brad Furman; screenwriter: Brian Koppelman/David Levien; cinematographer: Mauro Fiore; editor: Jeff McEvoy; music: Christophe Beck; cast: Justin Timberlake (Richie Furst), Ben Affleck (Ivan Block), Gemma Arterton (Rebecca…
RUSSIAN DOLL (director/writer: Stavros Kazantzidis; screenwriter: Allanah Zitserman; cinematographer: Justin Brickle; editor: Andrew MacNeil; cast: Hugo Weaving (Harvey), David Wenham (Ethan), Rebecca Frith (Miriam), Sacha Horler (Liza), Helen Dallimore (Alison),…
SAHARA (director/writer: Zoltan Korda; screenwriter: short story by Philip MacDonald/James O'Hanlon/John Howard Lawson; cinematographer: Rudolph Maté; editor: Charles Nelson; music: Miklos Rozsa; cast: Humphrey Bogart (Sgt. Joe Gunn), Bruce Bennett…