DESCENDANT (director/writer: Margaret Brown; screenwriter: Kern Jackson; cinematographers: Justin Zweifach, Zac Manuel; editors: Michael Bloch, Geoffrey Richman; music: Ray Angry, Rhiannon Giddens, Dirk Powell; cast:  Kamau Sadiki, Emmett Lewis, Vernetta Henson,…

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IT! (director/writer: Herbert J. Leder; cinematographer: Davis Boulton; editor: Tom Simpson; music: Carlo Martelli; cast:  Roddy McDowell (Arthur Pimm),  Jill Haworth (Ellen Grove), Paul Maxwell (Jim Perkins), Aubrey Richards (Prof.…

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FABELMANS, THE (director/writer: Steven Spielberg; screenwriters: Tony Kushner; cinematographer: Janusz Kaminski; editor: Sarah Broshar/Michael Kahn; music: John Williams; cast: Michelle Williams (Mitzi Fabelman), Paul Dano (Burt Fabelman), Seth Rogen (Benny…

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WOMEN TALKING (director/writer: Sarah Polley; screenwriter: from the novel by Miriam Toews; cinematographer: Luc Montpellier; editors: Christopher Donaldson/Rosylyn Kalloo; music: Hildur Guðnadóttir; cast: Rooney Mara (Ona), Claire Foy (Salome), Jessie…

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