(director/writer: Michael Koch; cinematographer: Armin Dierol; editor: Florian Riegel; music:Tobias Koch, Jannik Giger; cast: Michèle Brand (Anna), Simon Wisler (Marco), Elin Zgraggen (Julia); Runtime: 136; MPAA Rating: NR; producer; Christof Neracher: Hugo Film; 2022-Switzerland/Germany-in Swiss-German, with English subtitles)

“A simple drama.”

Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz

Swss filmmaker Michael Koch(“Marija”) films a simple drama about an Alpine’s couple romance altered by an illness, and uses a nonprofessional cast to keep it real. It reflects the power of nature for those living in the mountains.

At a remote German speaking Swiss village at a mountaintop of the Alps, lives the native of the region Anna (
Michele Brand), who works as an inn bartender at night and during the day as a mail carrier, and has an elementary-school-aged daughter, Julia, from a previous relationship. Anna gets into a serious relationship with a gentle, bull-like, quiet, hard-working dairy farmer from the lowlands, an outsider, Marco (Simon Wisler, a real-life farmer), and they marry and for three winters are happy. He then loses control of his impulses because of a brain tumor, and becomes mentally ill. While waiting for surgery his behavior changes radically for the worse, With no hope, the community protects him until he dies.

full Helvetian choir pops up between the acts, during the domestic tragedy, that acts like a Greek chorus.

It screened at
the main competition jury at the Berlinale .


REVIEWED ON 3/3/2022  GRADE: B- 
