(director/writer: Alessandra Lacorazza Samudio; cinematographer: Alejandro Mejia; editor: Adam Dicterow; music: Eduardo Cabra; cast: Rene Perez Joglar, aka Residente (Vicente), Sashe Calle (Adult Eva), Lio Mehiel (Adult Violeta), Leslie Grace (Yenny, second wife), Emma Ramos (Carmen), Sharleen Cruz (Camila), Adam Dicterow (narrator-voice), Allison Salinas-middle Eva, Luciana Elisa Quinonez (Young Eva), Dreya Castillo (Young Violeta), Kimaya Thais (middle Violeta), Gabriella Surodjawan (Teen Camila), Indigo Montez (Natalia); Runtime: 95; MPAA Rating: NR; producers: Alexander Dinelaris, Rob Quadrino, Fernando Rodriguez-Vila, Lynette Coll, Sergio Lira, Cristobal Guell, Jan Suter, Daniel Tantalean, Cynthia Fernandez de la Cruz, Janek Ambros, Siepanie Yankwitt; Bluestone Entertainment; 2024-in English & Spanish, with English subtitles)

“It’s a superbly acted, low-key and heartfelt lyrical film, about neglected daughters forgiving their addicted father.”

Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz

The Colombia-American Alessandra Lacorazza Samudio acquits herself well in her directorial debut telling the human interest story of a broken family through the POV of two forgiving girls–Violeta (Lio Mehiel-adult, Kimaya Thais-middle childhood, Dreya Castillo-youngster) and Eva (Sashe Calle-adult, Allison Salinas-middle childhood, Luciana Elisa Quinonez-young Eva).

Their unrepentant father Vincente (Rene Perez Joglar, aka Residente, rapper and actor) has a drinking problem that he can’t shake and is not there for the girls when they’re growing up.

The story is told over four summer visits the daughters make during a time span of 20 years. Each chapter begins with the divorcee Vincente meeting the girls at the tiny airport in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where he now lives after returning from Puerto Rico and inheriting his late mother’s gorgeous Spanish Adobe-house. The family on all visits first go to the bar owned by dad’s lesbian friend Carmen (Emma Ramos). Violet will later on confide in her when she realizes she’s queer and Carmen is viewed as a role model.

The pool in dad’s home on their first visit is picture perfect. On the second visit the pool is not cared for and is too filthy to swim in. Dad has become an alcoholic, and there are hints he could also be a drug addict.

The girls try to get their dad to rehab and to curb his temper, but he won’t listen. The daughters become more alienated from him the further downhill he goes.

The needy Vincente marries a new wife, Yenny (Leslie Grace), and they have a child Natalia (Indigo Montez). Vincente cleans up his life and gets a good job, and is well on his way to recovery by the third act. The last we see of the girls, we find Violetta in graduate school and Eva trying to sort things out in her unsettled life.

It’s a superbly acted, low-key and heartfelt lyrical film, about neglected daughters forgiving their addicted father.

It played at the Sundance Film Festival.

REVIEWED ON 2/11/2024  GRADE: B+