WESTWORLD (director/writer: Michael Crichton; cinematographer: Gene Polito; editor: David Bretherton; music: Fred Karlin; cast: Yul Brynner (The Gunslinger), Richard Benjamin (Peter Martin), James Brolin (John Blane), Norman Bartold (Medieval Knight),…

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WHISKY   (directors/writers: Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll; screenwriter: Gonzalo Delgado Galiana; cinematographer: Bárbara Álvarez; editor: Fernando Epstein; music: Pequeña Orquesta Reincidentes; cast: Andres Pazos (Jacobo Köller), Mirella Pascual…

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WHITE CARGO (director: Richard Thorpe; screenwriters: from the book "Hell's Playground" by Ida Vera Simonton/Leon Gordon; cinematographer: Harry Stradling; editor: Frederick Y. Smith; music: Bronislau Kaper; cast: Hedy Lamarr (Tondelayo),…

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