WOLF MAN, THE (director: George Waggner; screenwriter: Curt Siodmak; cinematographer: Joseph A. Valentine; editor: Ted J. Kent; cast: Lon Chaney, Jr. (Larry Talbot, Wolf Man), Claude Raines (Sir John…
WOLF MAN, THE (director: George Waggner; screenwriter: Curt Siodmak; cinematographer: Joseph A. Valentine; editor: Ted J. Kent; cast: Lon Chaney, Jr. (Larry Talbot, Wolf Man), Claude Raines (Sir John…
WOMAN OF TOKYO (TOKYO NO ONNA) (director/writer: Yasujiro Ozu; screenwriters: Tadao Ikeda/Kôgo Noda/from the novel "26 Hours" by Ernst Schwartz; cinematographer: Hideo Shigehara; editor: Kazuo Ishikawa; cast: Yoshiko Okada (Chikako…
WONDERSTRUCK (director: Todd Haynes; screenwriter: novel by Brian Selnick/Selnick; cinematographer: Ed Lachman; editor: Affonso Gonçalves; music: Carter Burwell; cast: Oakes Fegley (Ben), Julianne Moore (Lillian Mayhew/Rose), Millicent Simmonds (Rose), Michelle…
WORLD, THE (SHIJIE) (director/writer: Jia Zhangke; cinematographer: Nelson Yu Lik-wai; editor: Jing Lei Kong; music: Giong Lim; cast: Zhao Tao (Tao), Chen Taisheng (Taisheng), Jing Jue (Wei), Jiang Zhong-wei (Niu),…
WOUNDS (director/writer: Babak Anvari; screenwriter: based on the novella The Visible Truth by Nathan Ballingrud; cinematographer: Kit Fraser; editor: Chris Barwell; cast: Armie Hammer (Will), Dakota Johnson (Carrie), Zazie Beetz…
WYOMING (director: Joe Kane; screenwriters: Gerald Geraghty/Lawrence Hazard; cinematographer: John Alton; editor: Arthur Roberts; music: Nathan G. Scott/Ernest Gold; cast: William Elliott (Charles Alderson), Vera Ralston (Karen Alderson), Louise Kane…
XXX (director: Rob Cohen; screenwriter: Rich Wilkes; cinematographer: Dean Semler; editors: Paul Rubel/Chris Lebenzon; music: DMX; cast: Vin Diesel (Xander Cage), Samuel L. Jackson (NSA Agent Gibbons), Asia Argento (Yelena),…
YELLOW SKY (director: William Wellman; screenwriters: Lamar Trotti/from the story by W.R. Burnett; cinematographer: Joe MacDonald; editor: Harmon Jones; music: Alfred Newman; cast: Gregory Peck (Stretch), Anne Baxter…
YOU AND ME (director/producer: Fritz Lang; screenwriters: story by Norman Krasna/Virginia van Upp; cinematographer: Charles B. Lang; editor: Paul Weatherwax; music: Kurt Weill; cast: Sylvia Sidney (Helen Dennis), George…
YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (director/writer: Mel Brooks; screenwriter: Gene Wilder/from the novel by Mary Shelley; cinematographer: Gerald Hirschfeld; editor: John C. Howard; music: John Morris/William Steffe; cast: Gene Wilder (Dr. Frederick Frankenstein),…