WITHOUT A TRACE (Leaving No Trace) (SIN DEJAR HUELLA) (Que no quede huella) (director/writer: Maria Novaro; cinematographer: Serguei Saldivar Tanaka; editor: Angel Hernandez Zoido; cast: Aitana Sanchez-Gijon (Ana/Marilu), Tiare…
WITHOUT A TRACE (Leaving No Trace) (SIN DEJAR HUELLA) (Que no quede huella) (director/writer: Maria Novaro; cinematographer: Serguei Saldivar Tanaka; editor: Angel Hernandez Zoido; cast: Aitana Sanchez-Gijon (Ana/Marilu), Tiare…
THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (director: Martin Scorcese; screenwriters: Terence Winter/based on the book by Jordan Belfort; cinematographer: Rodrigo Prieto; editor: Thelma Schoonmaker; music: Howard Shore; cast: Leonardo DiCaprio (Jordan…
WOMAN ON PIER 13 (I Married a Communist) (director: Robert Stevenson; screenwriters: Charles Grayson/Robert Hardy Andrews/from a story by George W George & George Slavin; cinematographer: Nick Musuraca; editor…
WONDER WOMAN (director: Patty Jenkins; screenwriter: Allen Heinbergbased on a story by Zack Snyder, Allan Heinberg, and Jason Fuchs/based on DC’s Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston; cinematographers: Matthew…
WORLD ACCORDING TO SHORTS, THE (SIX SHORTS: 1) “La Perra,” written (in Spanish, with English subtitles) and directed by Hugo Maza, 17-minutes; 2) “We Have Decided Not to Die,”…
WR: MYSTERIES OF THE ORGANISM (W.R. - Misterije organizma) (director/writer: Dusan Makavejev; cinematographers: Aleksandar Petkovic/Pega Popovic; editor: Ivanka Vukasovic; music: Bojana Marijan; cast: Milena Dravic (Milena), Ivica Vidovic (Vladimir Ilyich),…
WYOMING OUTLAW (director: George Sherman; screenwriters: Betty Burbridge & Jack Natteford story and screenplay/characters by William Colt MacDonald; cinematographer: Reggie Lanning; editor: Tony Martinelli; cast: John Wayne (Stony Brooke), Ray…
XXY (director/writer: Lucia Puenzo; screenwriter: based on the short story Cinismo by Sergio Bizzio; cinematographer: Natasha Braier; editors: Alex Zito/Hugo Primero; music: Andrés Goldstein/ Daniel Tarrab; cast: Ricardo Darín (Kraken),…
YELLOWSTONE (director: Arthur Lubin; screenwriters: Houston Branch, Stuart Palmer, Jefferson Parker/story by Arthur Phillips; cinematographer: Milton Krasner; editor: Maurice E. Wright; music: Clifford Vaughan; cast: Judith Barrett (Ruth Foster), Henry…
YOU BETTER WATCH OUT (aka: CHRISTMAS EVIL) (director/writer: Lewis Jackson; cinematographer: Ricardo Aronovich; editors: Corky O'Hara/Linda Leeds; music: ; cast: Brandon Maggart (Harry Straddling), Jeffrey DeMunn (Phillip Straddling), Dianne Hull…