TYCOON (director: Richard Wallace; screenwriters: from the novel by Charles E. Scoggins/Borden Chase/John Twist; cinematographers: W. Howard Greene/Harry J. Wild; editor: Frank Doyle; music: Leigh Harline; cast: John Wayne (Johnny…

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UNBROKEN (director: Angelina Jolie; screenwriters: Joel and Ethan Coen/Richard LaGravenese/William Nicholson/based on the book by Laura Hillenbrand; cinematographer: Roger Deakins; editors: Tim Squyres/William Goldenberg; music: Alexandre Desplat; cast: Jack O'Connell…

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UNDERCURRENT (director: Vincente Minnelli; screenwriters: from the novel You Were There by Thelma Strabel/Edward Chodorov/George Oppenheimer/ Marguerite Roberts; cinematographer: Karl Freund; editor: Ferris Webster; music: Herbert Stothart; cast: Katharine Hepburn…

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THE UNHOLY NIGHT (director: Lionel Barrymore; screenwriters: from the play by Jacques Feyder/story by Ben Hecht/Edwin Justin Mayer/Joseph Farnham/Dorothy Farnum; cinematographer: Ira Morgan; editor: Grant Whytock; music: William Axt; cast:…

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VA SAVOIR (WHO KNOWS?) (director/writer: Jacques Rivette; screenwriters: Pascal Bonitzer/Christine Laurent; cinematographer: William Lubtschansky; editor: Nicole Lubtschansky; cast: Jeanne Balibar (Camille), Sergio Castellitto (Ugo), Marianne Basler (Sonia), Jacques BonnaffĂ© (Pierre),…

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