(director/writer: Harmonie Korine; cinematographer: Benoît Debie; editor: Douglas Crise; music: John Debney; cast: Matthew McConaughey (Moondog), Snoop Dog (Lingerie), Zac Efron (Flicker), Isla Fisher (Minnie), Joshua Ritter (Limp D), Stefania Lavie Owen (Heather), Jimmy Buffett, Martin Lawrence (Captain Wack), Jonah Hill (Lewis); Runtime: 95; MPAA Rating: R; producers: John Lesher, Charles-Marie Anthonioz, Mourad Belkeddar, Nicolas Lhermitte, Steve Golin; NEON; 2019)
“In this witty comedy Matthew McConaughey shines as the rogue, middle-aged, pothead poet named Moondog.“
Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz
Another stoner movie by the provocateur director-writer Harmony Korine (“Kids”/”Spring Breakers”) that rocks. The Beach Bum is set in a Miami community of misfits. The quirky hedonist characters are into living only for sex and drugs. The result is an outrageous film that is a gas.
In this witty comedy Matthew McConaughey shines as the rogue, middle-aged, pothead poet named Moondog. The burnt-out celebrated beat poet looks for action as he sails around Key West, Florida, in a boat named Well Hung. Moondog’s wealthy wife Minnie (Isla Fisher), in an open relationship, is fucking the couple’s best friend, a rapper and drug dealer named Lingerie (Snoop-Dogg).
The movie chronicles Moondog’s promiscuous life and many misadventures in a series of vignettes.
When Minnie unexpectedly dies in a car accident, Moondog’s rich inheritance is placed in escrow until he finishes the book he started.
Jonah Hill is Moondog’s literary agent. Zac Efron is a friendly sociopath Moondog meets in rehab. Martin Lawrence escorts dolphin-watchers on a doomed boat tour. And Stefania LaVie Owen is Moondog’s daughter, who comes to his defense saying “He may be a jerk, but he’s a great man.”