(directors: Peter Mortimer/Nick Rosen; cinematographers: Jonathan Griffith/Brett Lowell/Austin Siadak; editors: Josh Lowell/Joshua Steele Minor/Fernando Villena/Peter Mortimer; music: Jon Cooper/Turtle; cast: Marc-André Leclerc, Brett Harrington, Peter Mortimer; Runtime: 92; MPAA Rating: PG-13; producer; Mike Negri, Clark Fyans, Ben Bryan: Roadside Attractions; 2021)
“Fascinating outdoor sports documentary.”
Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz
Co-directors Peter Mortimer (“Black Ice”/”The Sharp End”), who also narrates, and Nick Rosen(“The Sharp End”), both who made their reps on climbing docs, come up with a fascinating outdoor sports documentary that covers its subject as well as the recent Free Solo did. The great rock climber Alex Honnold, from the Oscar-winning documentary “Free Solo,” when asked to name a climber who impresses him, he eagerly mentions Marc-André Leclerc.
Marc-André Leclerc is the unassuming, bashful and likable 23-year-old Canadian, who happens to be a great athlete but plays that down even if he shows off how both his calmness and effervescence can manifest in him at the same time.
Though indifferent to fame, the elusive climber is not above accepting fame for the rewards it provides in his field.
Leclerc’s climb up Patagonia’s formidable Torre Egger (the first free solo ascent in the mountain’s history) is the film’s climax and highlight scene. Most of that climb is conveyed via a computer graphic documenting his path taken up the mountain, as he refused filming much of it while climbing. Despite this, the sports film works as a moving testament to Leclerc as a person and as someone with incredible athletic skills.