(director: Kirsten Johnson; screenwriters: Doris Baizley/Lisa Freedman; cinematographer: Kirsten Johnson; editor: Nels Bangerter; music: ; 102; MPAA Rating: NR; producers: Kirsten Johnson, Marilyn Ness; Janus; 2016)

The images leave powerful impressions of the modern world in flux and filled with angst.”

Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz

The visual documentary of cinematographer Kirsten Johnson (“Deadline”) contains the personal footage and the clips she shot for others in her twenty-five years of working as a cinematographer. The visuals are drawn from around the world and are part of her random collection.

It takes us to a boxer preparing for a Golden Gloves fight in Brooklyn to a midwife in Nigeria to a rape victim in Bosnia after the ethnic cleansing of the Balkan Wars to a lightning strike on a rural Missouri road. Also thrown into the mix are her personal favorite visuals of her playful young children and her mom’s battle with dementia.

The images leave powerful impressions of the modern world in flux and filled with angst, as seen through the eyes of a sensitive cameraperson.

New Frontiers Lineup Sundance Film Festival

REVIEWED ON 12/31//2016 GRADE: B