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FEAR AND DESIRE (director: Stanley Kubrick; screenwriter: Howard Sackler; cinematographer: Stanley Kubrick; editor: Stanley Kubrick; music: Gerald Fried; cast: Frank Silvera (Sgt. Mac), Paul Mazursky (Pvt. Sidney), Kenneth Harp (Lt.…

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FEAR (1954)

FEAR (PAURA, LA) (ANGST) (NON CREDO PLU ALL'AMORE) (director/writer: Roberto Rossellini; screenwriters: Sergio Amidei/from the novel by Stefan Zweig; cinematographers: Carlo Carlini/Heinz Schnackertz; editors: Jolanda Benvenuti/Walter Boos; music: Renzo Rossellini;…

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FEAR (director/writer: Alfred Zeisler; screenwriter: Dennis Cooper; cinematographer: Jackson Rose; editor: Ace Herman; cast: Warren William (Capt. Burke), Anne Gwynne (Eileen), Peter Cookson (Larry Crain), Nestor Paiva (Schaefer), Francis Pierlot…

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FBI STORY, THE (director: Mervyn LeRoy; screenwriters: Richard L. Breen/John Twist/from the book "The F.B.I. Story" by Don Whitehead; cinematographer: Joseph Biroc; editor: Philip W. Anderson; music: Max Steiner; cast:…

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FBI GIRL (director: William Berke; screenwriters: based on articles by Rupert Hughes/Dwight Babcock/Richard Landau; cinematographer: Jack Greenhalgh; editor: Phil Cahn; music: Darrell Calker; cast: Cesar Romero (FBI Agent Glen Stedman),…

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FAY GRIM (director/writer: Hal Hartley; cinematographer: Sarah Cawley; editor: Hal Hartley; music: Hal Hartley; cast: Parker Posey (Fay Grim), Liam Aiken (Ned Grim), Thomas Jay Ryan (Henry), Jeff Goldblum (Agent…

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THE FAVOURITE (director: Yorgos Lanthimos; screenwriters: Deborah Davis, Tony McNamara; cinematographer: Robbie Ryan; editor: Yorgos Lanthimos; cast: Olivia Colman (Queen Anne), Rachel Weisz (Lady Sarah),Nicholas Hoult (Harley), Emma Stone (Abigail),…

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FAUST (2011)

FAUST (director/writer: Alexander Sokurov; screenwriters: Marina Koreneva/based on the story by Yuri Arabov and Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe; cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel; editor: Jorg Hauschild; music: Andrey Sigle; cast: Johannes Zeiler…

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  FAUST (director: F. W. Murnau; screenwriters: Hans Kyser/from the play "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe/from the play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe; cinematographer: Carl Hoffmann;…

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